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Alton CC 2023 AGM Notice - Sunday 19th November 7pm

Alton CC 2023 AGM Notice - Sunday 19th November 7pm

Michael Heffernan4 Nov 2023 - 16:52
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2023 AGM Agenda

Date: Sunday 19th November 2023
Venue: Alton CC & Virtual
Zoom Meeting - TBC, Password TBC
Start Time: 7:00pm

1. Apologies
2. Minutes of Last AGM
3. Matters Arising
4. Chairman’s Remarks
5. Welfare update
6. Treasurer’s Report and Update on Accounts
7. Cricket Report
8. Club Structure (inc. Anti-Discrimination Code of Conduct)
9. Election of Club Officials
10. Nomination and Election of Vice Presidents and Life Vice Presidents and Fees Associated
11. Any Other Business

Further reading